CIMMYT Academy

Cultivating and amplifying the unique talents, diverse life experiences, and intellect of staff, students, and partners

Students who have secured funding can apply  and conduct their research thesis with CIMMYT

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CIMMYT Academy

Advancing CIMMYT’s mission by forging alliances with industry stakeholders to promote work in the public and private sectors

Funding for Master thesis research at International Agricultural Research Centers

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CIMMYT Academy

Searching for a knowledge for a better Success

Modular, interdisciplinary training courses, which combine in-class, in-field and (increasingly)

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Reaching farmers in Zambia

AID-I conducted a community sensitization to connect Zambian farmers with existing mobile network…

Advanced training on conservation agriculture focuses on creating sustainable agronomic systems

During the two-week training, jointly conducted by CIMMYT-BISA-ICAR, participants learned about i…

CIMMYT Academy

CIMMYT Academy is the pillar of our institutional approach on capacity development and training programs, for internal and external audiences. CIMMYT Academy brings together all of our learning resources (workshops, face-to-face trainings and online learning modules) and research opportunities. All professionals, whether at the beginning or at the end of their careers, have the opportunity to learn at CIMMYT Academy.


LMS Features

  • Learning Experience

  • E-Learning

  • Logistics for Classroom Training

  • Learning history tracking (internal and external)

  • Logistics related to affiliates

  • Consultancy support

CIMMYT Learning Management System

CIMMYT Learning Management System (LMS) is designed specifically to create, distribute, and manage the delivery of educational content to the people in need.

Besides our experience managing internships, research programs, and academic exchanges, CIMMYT Academy includes a Learning Management System (LMS). An LMS is a web-based application used to plan, implement, and assess learning processes.


Student Research Administration

Student Training Programs

Research opportunities for graduate students (MSc, PhD, Post-Doc). Students who have secured funding can apply and conduct their research thesis with CIMMYT


CIMMYT Partners

Partner Training Program

The Partner Training Program liaises with CIMMYT external partners, including scientists, National Agricultural Research Centers, educational institutions, local and international farm workers to make CIMMYT science and technology accessible for the improvement of livelihoods.​

CIMMYT contributes to the future generation of scientists and farmers by collaborating with external partners to replicate curricula, increase impact in research, and strengthen professional networks


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Academic Partners